London Bird Club Wiki

Patchlist Competition for 2025[]

We're keeping last year's change with one minor modification - listing entries as a percentage species recorded on eBird for their patch in 2024 (or using Patchlist 2024 numbers if higher, denoted with an asterix below) [eBird Hotspots]. This is to encourage more entries from smaller sites. Note that this means you could score over 100%.

It isn't necessary to record your year list on eBird - we're just using these site totals as they're easily accessible. Also note that the site totals may be different to any locally kept figures. If anyone has any difficulties finding your site total or has other questions please use the Talk page.

Last year's Patchlist 2024.

The League Table[]

Name Site & eBird Total Yearlist %age Highlights & Latest:
Chris Farthing Abney Park Cemetery (34)* 26 76.5% Highlights: Firecrest, Coal Tit. Latest: Blackcap 28th Jan
Chris Farthing Woodberry Wetlands (inc. West Reservoir) (85) 54 63.5% Highlights: YLG, Redpoll, Water Rail, Peregrine. Latest: Shelduck & Blackcap 25th Jan
Andrew Self Beam Parklands (73) 46 63.0% Highlights: Reed Bunting. Latest: Teal, Collared Dove, Rook, Redwing, Jan 23rd
Tim Bray East India Dock Basin/Bow Creek (54)* 32 59.3% Highlights: GBBG, Water Rail, Oystercatcher. Latest: Cetti's Warbler 7th Feb
Samuel Levy Totteridge Valley (104) 59 56.7% Highlights: Raven, Hawfinch, Redpoll, W Rail. Latest: Grey Heron, Woodcock, Mandarin (24th Jan)
Chris Farthing King George V Reservoir (133) 71 53.4% Highlights: GN Diver, BT Diver, Scaup, BN Grebe, Raven. Latest: Smew, Slav, Peregrine & Fieldfare Jan 30th
Tim Bray St Anne's Churchyard, Limehouse (30) 16 53.3% Highlights: Peregrine, Goldfinch. Latest:
Andrew Self Dagenham Chase NR (124) 64 51.6% Highlights: Red-crested Pochard, Barn Owl, Firecrest, Bullfinch. Latest: Little Owl, Jan 22nd
Chris Farthing Walthamstow Wetlands (150) 76 50.7% Highlights: Golden Plover, Green Sandpiper, Barnacle Goose, Oystercatcher. Latest Mipit Feb 7th
Andrew Self Rainham Marshes (169) 80 47.3% Highlights: Great Egret, Dartford Warbler. Latest: GS Woodpecker, Greenfinch, Feb 4th
Chris Farthing Rainham Marshes (169) 78 46.2% Highlights: GWE . Latest: Barn Owl, Turnstone, Wipit, Raven 9th Jan
Highlights: . Latest:
Highlights: . Latest:
John Archer Crossness (111)* Highlights: . Latest:

