London Bird Club Wiki

Recording area: Hampstead Heath including Kenwood & Heath Extension.

Species Comments Reference
Mute Swan Breeds annually HHOR 2023
Bewick's Swan Vagrant (1st rec 04/01/65) LBR 1965
Whooper Swan 9 flew W on 25/11/23 (1st for HH) London Bird Wiki
Snow Goose
Bean Goose
Pink-footed Goose
White-fronted Goose 1st rec 03/01/1954 Vagrant LBR 1954
Greylag Goose 1st rec 1950 - feral birds HHOR 2023
Canada Goose Regular visitor, has bred HHOR 2023
Barnacle Goose
Brent Goose 1st rec 13/11/94 Vagrant HHOR 1994
Red-breasted Goose
Egyptian Goose Regularly breeds 2023
Common Shelduck 20/04/92, Very scarce HHOR 1992
Mandarin Duck Breeding resident 2023
Eurasian Wigeon Scarce winter visitor 2023
Gadwall Annual ( Sep - April) 2023
Common Teal Annual ( Sep - April) HHOR 1995/96
Green-winged Teal
Mallard Breeding resident and migrant 2023
Pintail Single record 16/12/34 - 1935 LN 1934
Garganey Now scarce (1st rec 21/03/76) LBR 1976
Blue-winged Teal
Shoveler Annual (Sep- April) 2023
Red-crested Pochard 1st rec 06/03/1973 LBR 1973
Pochard Now very scarce 2023
Ring-necked Duck
Ferruginous Duck
Tufted Duck Breeding resident and migrant 2023
Greater Scaup
Lesser Scaup
King Eider
Long-tailed Duck
Common Scoter undated record ? HHOR 1995/96
Velvet Scoter
Goldeneye 1st rec 27/01/1962 Very scarce LBR 1962
Smew 1st rec 01/01/1957 Vagrant LBR 1957
Red-breasted Merganser
Goosander 1st rec 15/02/1996 HHOR 1995/96
Ruddy Duck 1st rec 30/04/1996 HHOR 1995/96
Black Grouse
Red-legged Partridge 1st rec 18/04/89 vagrant HHOR 1995/96
Grey Partridge Last record was in 1961, formerly bred HHOR 1961
Quail Bred near Parliament Hill 1883. Vagrant (Glegg)
Pheasant Formerly bred, now scarce 2023
Red-throated Diver 25/10/94 Single record HHOR 1994
Black-throated Diver
Great Northern Diver
Pied-billed Grebe
Little Grebe Breeds most years HHOR 1995/96
Great Crested Grebe Annual breeder LBR 2023
Red-necked Grebe One record from 1913 HHOR 1995/96
Slavonian Grebe
Black-necked Grebe 1st rec 1743 Harting (1866)
Manx Shearwater One found dead on 03/05/52 HHOR 1952
Balearic Shearwater
Macaronesian Shearwater
European Storm-petrel
Leach's Storm-petrel
Gannet 1st rec 24/09/18 after storm Lon Bird Wiki
Cormorant Regular visitor to ponds, increasing HHOR 1995/96
Shag One record 09/02/1991 LBR 1991
Bittern One record 14/02/- 26/02/12 LBR 2012
Little Bittern One record 18/06/1995 LBR 1995
Night Heron
Squacco Heron
Cattle Egret
Little Egret 1st rec 25/07/1996 increasing but still scarce HHOR 2023
Great White Egret 1st rec 2022 HHBR
Grey Heron Regular on ponds and damp meadows 2023
Purple Heron
Black Stork
White Stork Sole record on 14/04/97 HHOR
Glossy Ibis
Honey Buzzard 1st rec 12/08/1995 LBR 1995
Black Kite 1st rec 21/04/22 LBC Wiki
Red Kite 1st rec 08/05/1995 LBR 1995
White-tailed Eagle
Marsh Harrier Scarce migrant, not annual (1st rec 03/04/65) LBR 1965
Hen Harrier 1st rec 11/10/23 Lon Wiki
Montagu's Harrier 1st rec 02/09/1995 LBR 1995
Sparrowhawk Breeding resident 2023
Common Buzzard Returning breeding resident. 1 pair 2023
Rough-legged Buzzard
Golden Eagle
Osprey 1st rec 21/09/1996. Very scarce HHOR 1995/96
Lesser Kestrel Sole record 31/05/1992 LBR 1992
Kestrel Breeding Resident (est 6prs) 2023
Red-footed Falcon
Merlin Scarce migrant, not annual 2023
Hobby Annual summer migrant, has bred 2023
Gyr Falcon
Peregrine Falcon Regular visitor ( 1st rec 1954) increasing LBR 1954
Water Rail Annual autumn/ winter (!st rec 30/11/54) LBR 1951
Spotted Crake
Little Crake
Baillon's Crake
Corncrake 1st rec 1898 Hudson (1898)
Moorhen Breeding resident (1st rec 1898) Hudson (1898)
Common Coot Breeding resident ( 1st rec 1898) HHOR 1995/96
Common Crane
Great Bustard
Oystercatcher 1st rec 27/05/1995. Very scarce. HHOR 1995/96
Black-winged Stilt
Avocet 1 flyover bird on 10th Aug 1909 (Glegg)
Stone-curlew Sole record 26/04/2007 HHBR
Cream-coloured Courser
Collared Pratincole
Little Ringed Plover
Ringed Plover
Kentish Plover
American Golden Plover
Pacific Golden Plover
Golden Plover Mostly autumn/ winter (1st rec 19/04/64) LBR 1964
Grey Plover Vagrant 23/04/94 HHOR 1994
Sociable Plover
White-tailed Lapwing
Lapwing Occasional flocks in aut/winter. Has bred 2023
Western Sandpiper
Little Stint
Temminck's Stint
White-rumped Sandpiper
Baird's Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Curlew Sandpiper
Purple Sandpiper
Broad-billed Sandpiper
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Jack Snipe 1st rec 13/03/1949 Vagrant LBR 1949
Common Snipe Annual in small numbers (1st rec 1866) Harting (1866)
Great Snipe
Long-billed Dowitcher
Woodcock Annual in small numbers (1st rec April 1948) LBR 1948
Black-tailed Godwit 1st rec 2023 LonBWiki
Bar-tailed Godwit Scarce (1st rec 17/05/93) HHOR 1993
Whimbrel Scarce (1st rec 28/08/57) LBR 1957
Curlew Scarce (1st rec 17/04/60) LBR 1960
Spotted Redshank
Redshank 1st recorded in 1939. Last recorded in 1983 HHOR 1962
Marsh Sandpiper
Greenshank 1st rec 24/08/1966 Last 09/07/16 HHOR 1995/96
Lesser Yellowlegs
Solitary Sandpiper
Green Sandpiper 1st rec 19/08/1995 Vagrant HHOR 1995/96
Wood Sandpiper
Common Sandpiper Annual visitor to ponds, declining 2023
Spotted Sandpiper
Wilson's Phalarope
Red-necked Phalarope
Grey Phalarope
Pomarine Skua 1st rec 01/12/2010 Lon Birders Wiki
Arctic Skua 1st rec 19/09/97 HHOR 1997
Long-tailed Skua
Great Skua
Mediterranean Gull 19/02/91 Very scarce HHOR 1991
Laughing Gull
Franklin's Gull
Little Gull
Sabine's Gull
Bonaparte's Gull
Black-headed Gull Regular from July to April 2023
Ring-billed Gull
Common Gull Annual from Sep to April 2023
Lesser Black-backed Gull Regular visitor 2023
Yellow-legged Gull 31/12/93 (1st for HH) Very scarce HHBR
Caspian Gull
Herring Gull Regular visitor, breeds nearby 2023
Iceland Gull Sole record 16/02/92 HHOR 1992
Glaucous-winged Gull
Glaucous Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Great Black-backed Gull Annual but scarce HHOR 2023
Kittiwake 1st rec 1900 then 1997. Vagrant HHOR 1997
Sooty Tern
Bridled Tern
Little Tern 1st rec 30/04/1914. Rare HHOR 2023
Gull-billed Tern
Caspian Tern
Whiskered Tern
Black Tern 7 on Highgate Ponds 20/05/48 HHOR 1948
White-winged Black Tern
Sandwich Tern 1st in 1932. Vagrant HHOR 2023
Common Tern Annual visitor in spring/ summer 2023
Roseate Tern
Arctic Tern Vagrant here 02/05/98 HHOR 1998
Little Auk Sole record on 21/10/91 HHOR 1991
Black Guillemot
Pallas's Sandgrouse
Rock Dove ie Feral Pigeon - increasing 2023
Stock Dove Breeding resident, notably around Kenwood. 2023
Woodpigeon Breeding resident and passage migrant 2023
Collared Dove Mostly flyovers. (1st recorded in 1967) HHOR 2023
Turtle Dove Rare now, formerly annual (1st rec 1898) Hudson (1898)
Oriental Turtle Dove
Ring-necked Parakeet Increasingly common breeding resident 2023
Cuckoo Scarce now, former breeder (1st rec 1898) Hudson (1898)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Barn Owl Recorded in June 2022. Later found dead. HHOR 2022
Scops Owl
Snowy Owl
Little Owl Scarce. (Last seen in 2017) LBR 2010
Tawny Owl Several pairs breed annually 2023
Long-eared Owl 1st March 1997 first since 1945 HHOR 1997
Short-eared Owl 19/10/10/ (1st rec 03/11/51) LBR 1951
Tengmalm's Owl
Nightjar Bred 1852, Seen June 5th 1938 Harting (1866)
Common Nighthawk
Swift 1st rec 1898 Hudson (1898)
Alpine Swift 1st rec 09/04/06 -16/04/06 LBR (mo)
Kingfisher Breeding resident on ponds HHOR 1995/96
Hoopoe Vagrant. One on 01/05/54 (1st rec 1830) Harting (1866)
Wryneck 1st rec 09/09/1969 Vagrant LBR 1969
Green Woodpecker Breeding resident 2023
Great Spotted Woodpecker Breeding resident 2023
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Bred 1966-1992, now vagrant 2023
Short-toed Lark
Crested Lark
Woodlark Scarce migrant, mostly October 2023
Skylark Regular migrant, mostly autumn, has bred 2023
Shore Lark Vagrant (1st rec 24/03/57) LBR 1957
Sand Martin Bred 1966 and formerly in 1920’s . Scarce LBR 1966
Swallow Annual migrant in spring and autumn. Can be very numerous 2023
House Martin Annual migrant in spring and autumn, declining 2023
Red-rumped Swallow
Richard's Pipit 1st rec 05/10/1996 LBR 1996
Tawny Pipit
Olive-backed Pipit
Tree Pipit Annual in spring and autumn 2023
Meadow Pipit Annual in spring and autumn (Has bred) 2023
Red-throated Pipit
Rock Pipit Very scarce last in 2019 HHOR 2023
Water Pipit
Buff-bellied Pipit
Yellow Wagtail Annual migrant (Bred in 1952) HHOR 2023
Citrine Wagtail
Grey Wagtail Annual migrant, breeds nearby 2023
Pied Wagtail Regular visitor (has bred) 2023
Waxwing Sporadic, generally seen in irruptive years ( eg. 1996,2011) 2023
Wren Abundant breeding resident HHOR 2023
Dunnock Breeding resident HHOR 2023
Alpine Accentor
Robin Abundant breeding resident and migrant 2023
Nightingale Scarce migrant. (Bred to 1899) Harting
Black Redstart Scarce migrant (1st rec 1956) LBR 1956
Common Redstart Annual migrant (bred 1954, 1962) HHBR 2023
Whinchat Annual migrant (formerly bred) HHOR 1995/96
Stonechat Annual migrant, increasing due to better land management LBR 2023
Northern Wheatear Annual migrant in Spring and early Autumn HHOR 2023
Desert Wheatear
Grey-cheeked Thrush
Ring Ouzel 1st rec 14/04/1951. Seen occasionally in Spring and Autumn LBR 1951
Blackbird Common breeding resident and migrant 2023
Naumann's Thrush
Fieldfare Annual autumn and winter migrant 2023
Song Thrush Breeding resident and autumn migrant 2023
Redwing Annual migrant (Sep - April) 2023
Mistle Thrush Breeding resident in small numbers, declining 2023
American Robin
Cetti's Warbler Occasional since 2019 Lon Birders Wiki
Grasshopper Warbler 1st rec 21/04/1959 Very scarce LBR 1959
Savi's Warbler
Aquatic Warbler
Sedge Warbler Occasional migrant, not annual 2023
Paddyfield Warbler
Blyth's Reed Warbler
Marsh Warbler
Reed Warbler Breeding summer migrant. Increasing 2023
Icterine Warbler
Melodious Warbler
Dartford Warbler 01/05/94 (1st rec 1866) Harting (1866)
Subalpine Warbler
Sardinian Warbler
Barred Warbler
Lesser Whitethroat Annual summer migrant. Has bred 2023
Common Whitethroat Annual breeding migrant 2023
Garden Warbler Annual migrant. Former breeder 2023
Blackcap Annual breeder and migrant. Rare in winter 2023
Eastern Crowned Warbler
Pallas's Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler
Hume's Warbler
Radde's Warbler
Dusky Warbler
Wood Warbler Bred 1954 (1st rec 1898) Now scarce HHBR 2023
Chiffchaff Breeding resident and migrant HHBR 2023
Iberian Chiffchaff
Willow Warbler Annual migrant, former breeder 2023
Goldcrest Breeding resident and autumn migrant 2023
Firecrest Annual visitor, has bred, increasing 2023
Spotted Flycatcher Annual migrant, former breeder 2023
Red-breasted Flycatcher
Pied Flycatcher Annual migrant (1st rec 27/08/50) LBR 1950
Bearded Tit Sole record was a single bird in reedbed at Hampstead No.1 pond on 25/11/23
Long-tailed Tit Breeding resident 2023
Blue Tit Common breeding resident 2023
Great Tit Common breeding resident 2023
Crested Tit
Coal Tit Breeding resident 2023
Willow Tit 1st rec 1944 Last record 2001 2023
Marsh Tit 1st rec 1866 Last record 1980 Harting (1866)
Nuthatch Breeding resident (1st rec 1866) Harting (1866)
Treecreeper Breeding resident 2023
Short-toed Treecreeper
Penduline Tit
Golden Oriole Vagrant - appeared 3 times in 1990’s. Last was heard only in 2000 2023
Isabelline Shrike
Red-backed Shrike Rare (1st rec 1898)

Last 22/08/17

Hudson (1898)
Brown Shrike
Lesser Grey Shrike
Great Grey Shrike First in winter 1936 on extension Last on 05/11/67 LBR 1967
Woodchat Shrike Vagrant (1st rec 1882) Birds of London
Jay Breeding resident and migrant 2023
Magpie Breeding resident 2023
Jackdaw Breeding colony at Ken Wood (c 25 pairs) 2023
Rook Annual in small numbers 2023
Carrion Crow Breeding resident, also roosts in winter 2023
Hooded Crow 1st rec 11/01/1953 LBR 1953
Raven Rare visitor (as flyover) 2023
Starling Resident and migrant (former breeder) HHOR 1995/96
Rose-coloured Starling
House Sparrow Regular in small numbers, has bred 2023
Tree Sparrow Formerly bred now vagrant 2023
Chaffinch Breeding resident and migrant. Declining 2023
Brambling Annual migrant in small numbers 2023
Greenfinch Breeding resident and migrant. Stabilising after trichomonosis outbreak of 2017 HHOR 1995/96
Goldfinch Regular thoughout year, has bred occasionally 2023
Siskin Annual migrant (Sep - April) 2023
Linnet 1st rec 1866 Harting (1866)
Twite 1st recorded October 1866 (Glegg)
Lesser Redpoll Annual migrant and former breeder LBR 1950
Mealy Redpoll 1st rec 1925 HHOR 2023
Arctic Redpoll
Two-barred Crossbill
Common Crossbill Sporadic visitor (1st rec 12/09/62) LBR 1962
Parrot Crossbill
Common Rosefinch 1st rec 05/10/1870 Birds of London
Pine Grosbeak
Bullfinch Formerly bred, now vagrant 2023
Hawfinch Scarce migrant, has bred LBR 1952
Lapland Bunting Vagrant (1st rec 15/10/79) LBR 1979
Snow Bunting
Pine Bunting
Yellowhammer Scarce autumn migrant, has bred 2023
Cirl Bunting 1st rec April 1855 Harting (1866)
Ortolan Bunting 1st rec 13/09/23 Lon Bird Wiki
Rustic Bunting
Little Bunting
Reed Bunting Annual in small numbers, has bred 2023
Black-headed Bunting
Corn Bunting 1st rec 19/04/1978 LBR 1978
Total 184


London Bird Reports

Hampstead Heath Ornithological Report 1995/96

Birds in London (1898), W.H. Hudson
